• Pears, W; Lee, BR; Stemkovski, M; Primack, RB; SD. Lee*. 2023. Consistent, linear phenological shifts across a century of observations in South Korea. New Phytologist (IF=10.03)
- • Stemkovski, M, JR Bell, ER Ellwood, BD Inouye, H. Kobori, SD Lee, et al. 2023. Disorder or a new order: How climate change affects phenological variability. Ecology. 2022;e3846.
- • Choi, J. and SD. Lee*. 2023. Analysis of the Spatiotemporal Changes in Selected Ecosystem Services Caused by Free Trade Initiatives in Incheon, Korea. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20. 3813
- • Kim, MK and SD. Lee*. 2023. Identification of Emerging Roadkill Hotspots on Korean Expressways Using Space–Time Cubes. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20
- • Choi, J. and SD. Lee*. 2022. Principal bioclimatic variables of ten dominant plant species in Korea wetland using the Maxent model. Ecological Engineering 183: 106729
- • Doi, H., H. Higuchi, H. Kobori, S.D. Lee and R.B. Primack. 2021. Declining phenology observations by the Japan Meteorological Agency. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 5, 886–887 (April 22, 2021)
- • Kim, M.; Lee, S.; Lee, H.; Lee, SD*. 2021. Phenological Response in the Trophic Levels to Climate Change in Korea. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 1086.
- • Ha, K. SJ Lee, MK Kim, and SD Lee*. 2020. Prediction of Plant Phenological Shift under Climate Change in South Korea. Sustainability 12, 9276 Sangdon Lee, Professor, Dr. Department of Environmental Science & Engineering Ewha Womans University Seoul, Korea 120-750 Telephone: (82-2)-3277-3545 Cell phone: 82-10-2708-7714 e-mail: lsd@ewha.ac.kr Lee, SD*. HY Jeon, and MK Kim. 2020. Spatial distribution of butterflies in accordance with climate change in the Korean peninsula. Sustainability, 12, 1995; doi:10.3390/su12051995
- • Choi, J. and SD. Lee*. 2019. Application of habitat evaluation procedure with quantifying the eco corridor in the process of environmental impact assessment. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16, 1437; doi:10.3390/ijerph16081437
- • Jablonski, P. Lee, SD*, E.R Ellwood. 2018. Decrease of vigilance in response to an increased number of conspecifics, but not dominant heterospecifics, in mixed groups of endangered cranes in Korea. Animal Cells and Systems 22: 118-123
- • Lee, SD*. 2017. Global Warming Leading to Phenological Responses in the Process of Urbanization, South Korea. Sustainability 2017, 9
- • Kim, M., S. Lee, B. Kim and SD. Lee*. 2017. A preliminary analysis of the diet composition of overwintering Bean geese (Anser fabalis) and greater white-fronted geese (A. albifrons) in Korea using PCR on fecal samples. Animal Cells and Systems 21(2):141-145.
- • Lee, E., H.J. Lim, SD. Lee, and A. Son. 2017. Highly Sensitive Detection of Bisphenol A by Nano Aptamer Assay with Truncated Aptamer. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 9:14889-14898
- • Kim, M.K., S.I. Lee, and SD. Lee*. 2016. Habitat use and its implications for the conservation strategies for the overwintering populations of the Bean Goose (Anser fabalis) and the White-fronted Goose (A. albifrons) in South Korea. Ornithological Sciences 15(2): 141-149
- • Jung, J.; Yo Simizu; Kenji Omasa; Sungsu Kim and SD. Lee* 2016. Developing and testing a habitat suitability index model for Korean water deer (Hydropotes inermis argyropus) and its potential for landscape management decisions in Korea. Animal Cells and Systems 20(4): 218-227
- • Yun J., SD. Lee, and K.S. Cho. 2016. Biomethane production and microbial community response according to influent concentration of molasses wastewater in a UASB reactor. Appl. Microbiol Biotechnol 100:4675-4683 Lee, E.H. K. Moon, TG Kim, SD Lee, KS Cho. 2015. Inhibitory effects of sulfur compounds on methane oxidation by a methane-oxidizing consortium. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 120:67-676.
- • Lee, EH., S. Choi, T. Yi, TG Kim, SD Lee, KS Cho*. 2015. Effects of granular activated carbon on methane removal performance and methanotrophic community of a lab-scale bioreactor. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A 50:193-200. (IF=1.13)
- • Kim, B. Y. Lee, S. Park, K. Kim, M. Min, SD. Lee, and H. Lee. 2014. Mitochondrial Genetic Diversity, Phylogeny, and Population Structure of Hydropotes inermis in South Korea. 2015. Genes & Genetic Systems 89:227-235 (IF=0.87)
- •Lee SD*. and Miller-Rushing, A. 2014. Degradation, urbanization, and restoration: A review of the challenges and future of conservation on the Korean Peninsula. Biological Conservation 176:262-276 (IF=4.25)
- • Jeong J., S. Bartsch, J.H. Fleckenstein, E. Matzner, J. Tenhunen, SD. Lee, S.K. Park, and J.H. Park. 2012. Differential storm responses of dissolved and particulate organic carbon in a mountainous headwater stream, investigated by high-frequency, in situ optical measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research 117: G03013 (IF=3.021)
- • Kim, M.K., S. Lee, H. Lee and SD. Lee*. 2012. Species and sex identification of mixed-species flocks of bean geese and white-fronted geese. Zoological Science 29(11): 761-765
- Lee*, SD, E.R Ellwood, S.Y. Park and R.B. Primack. 2011. Late-arriving barn swallows linked to population declines. Biological Conservation 144:2182-2187
- • Kim, B.J., N.S. Lee, and SD. Lee*. 2011. Feeding Diets of the Korean Water Deer (Hydropotes inermis argyropus) Based on a 202 bp rbcL Sequence Analysis. Conservation Genetics 12:851-856 Kim, B.J., D.H. Oh, S.H. Chun and SD. Lee*. 2011. Distribution, Density and Habitat Use of the Korean Water Deer (Hydropotes inermis argyropus). Landscape and Ecological Engineering 7:291-29
- • Fujioka, M*. SD. Lee, M. Kurechi and H. Yoshida. 2010. Bird use of rice fields in Korea and Japan. Waterbirds. 23: 8-29
- • Ibáñez, I., R.B. Primack, A.J. Miller-Rushing, E. Ellwood, H. Higuchi, SD. Lee, H. Kobori, and J.A. Silander. 2010. Forecasting phenology under global warming. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society-Biological Sciences. 365:3247-3260.
- • Lee, E.H., J. Kim, J.Y. Kim, S. Koo, SD. Lee, K. Ko, D. Ko, B. Yum and KS Cho. 2010. Comparison of microbial communities in petroleum- contaminated groundwater using genetic and metabolic profiles at Kyonggi-Do, South Korea. Environmental Earth Sciences 60:371-382 (IF=1.765)
Book Publication (Korean)
• Primack,RB. A. Sher, Sangdon Lee, et al. 2021. Conservation Biology, Worldsciences, Seoul, Korea
• Primack, R.B., S.D. Lee, H. Kang, H. Kang, and J. Kim. 2014. Conservation Biology. WorldScience. (ISBN 978-895881-235-7)
• Lee, J., J. Koo, S.D. Lee. et al. 2014. Environment Impact Assessment. Dongwha Sciences
• Jeon, S. and S.D. Lee, et al. 2014. Campbell Biology in Focus. Bioscience
• Kwon, T. and S.D. Lee et al. 2012. Environmental Ecology- Ecosystem Conservation and Management. LifeSciences
• Jeon, S. and S.D. Lee, et al. 2012. Life Sciences Campbell Biology 9th edition (Chapter 53-54)
• Chung, K., Y. Choi, G. Kim, M. Kang, N. Kim and S.D. Lee. 2010. Road and Environment. Nexus Environmental Design Institute.
Research Highlights
• Climate change and phonological activities of species and ecosystem as a part of adaptation in ecosystem in the process of Global Warming.
• Leading to significant changes of species response to warming temperature currently working on species response to trophic levels.
• Reduction of Environmental Hormone Studies from many sources of environmental problems.
• Wetland conservation and restoration related to Ecosystem services working as a RAMSAR STRP member and current appointment as STRP member.
Experience in Environmental Impact Assement
• National road projects in Lao DPR that funded by Worldbank and EIB. Expertise on ESMP, ESIA, BMP (Biodiversity Management Plan) in Lao DPR national highway construction projects for NR2 that connects Thailand and Vietnam in the northern part of the country. The road construction includes Provinces such as Luangprabang, Phongsaly, Xayyabury, and Oudomxay, DPR Laos.
• Environmental Impact Assessment procedure in many different countries including Cambodia, Rwanda (as a KOICA expert), Vietnam and China, Japan that is leading to harmonize environment conservation in the process of development as well as serving President of the EIA Society in Korea.
• Involvement of Korean EIA reviewing process committee including National Express highway, Residential complex, Industrial parks, Land Reclamation, Railway construction, Wastewater treatment, etc working as a reviewer and senior researcher in Korea Environment Institute since 1997